
Pigmentation of the Aortic and Pulmonary Valves in C57BL/6J X Balb/cByJ Hybrid Mice of Different Coat Colours

Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C(2019)

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Neural crest-derived melanocytes have been recorded in several parts of the mammalian heart but not in the pulmonary valve. We report here the presence of melanin-containing cells in the leaflets (cusps) of both the aortic and pulmonary valves. A total of 158 C57BL/6J x Balb/cByJ hybrid mice exhibiting four coat colours, namely black, white, agouti and non-agouti brown, were examined. We sought for any relationship between the presence of melanocytes in the valves and the coat colour of the animals. The pigmentation levels of the leaflets were accomplished using a scale of five pigment intensities. White mice lacked pigment in the heart. In 10.5% of the remaining animals, there were melanocytes in the pulmonary valve leaflets. Thus, this is the first study to report the presence of such cells in the pulmonary valve of mammals. Melanocytes occurred in the leaflets of the aortic valves of 87.2% of mice. The incidence of melanocytes and the pigmentation level of the leaflets did not statistically differ according to the coat colours of the animals. This disagrees with previous observations, indicating that the amount of melanocytes in the heart reflects that of the skin. The incidence and distribution of melanocytes in aortic and pulmonary valves are consistent with the notion that the formation of the arterial valves is mediated by specific subpopulations of neural crest cells. We hypothesize that melanocytes, even not producing melanin, may be more frequent in the heart than previously thought, exerting presumably an immunological function.
aortic valve,heart,melanocyte,mouse strains,pulmonary valve
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