
The Callerya Group redefined and Tribe Wisterieae (Fabaceae) emended based on morphology and data from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences.


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The Tribe Wisterieae (Zhu 1994), founded on the single genus Wisteria, is emended and recircumscribed based on morphology and data from nuclear ITS and ndhJ-trnF, matK and rbcL chloroplast DNA sequences. This newly enlarged tribe comprises 36 species and 9 infraspecific taxa within 13 described genera. Six genera are new, two are reinstated and five were previously placed in Tribe Millettieae. The genus Adinobotrys is also reinstated comprising two species including the new combination A. vastus. Other reinstated genera include Whitfordiodendron, with four species, and Padbruggea, with three species, including the reinstatement of P. filipes and the new combination P. filipes var. tomentosa. The existing genera Afgekia, Callerya, Endosamara (with the new combination E. racemosa var. pallida), Sarcodum and Wisteria, with the new combinations W. frutescens subsp. macrostachya are evaluated. The new genera comprise three Australasian species in Austrocallerya: A. australis, A. megasperma and A. pilipes; Wisteriopsis with five species from east Asia has six new combinations: W. japonica, W. kiangsiensis, W. championii, W. eurybotrya, W. reticulata and W. reticulata var. stenophylla. Two species comprise the new Thai genus Kanburia: K. tenasserimensis and K. chlorantha. Nanhaia comprises the two species: N. fordii and N. speciosa and the monotypic genera Sigmoidala and Serawaia are based respectively on the species S. kityana and S. strobilifera. Lectotypes are designated for the names Adinobotrys filipes, A. myrianthus, Millettia bonatiana, M. bracteosa, M. championii, M. cinerea, M. dielsiana, M. kityana, M. maingayi, M. nitida, M. oocarpa, M. purpurea, M. reticulata, M. reticulata var. stenophylla, Padbruggea dasyphylla, Pterocarpus australis, Robinia racemosa, Whitfordiodendron scandens, W. sumatranum and Wisteria pallida. A neotype is designated for the name Millettia leiogyna.
Tribe Wisterieae emended,Leguminosae,new genera,Austrocallerya,Kanburia,Nanhaia,Serawaia,Sigmoidala,Wisteriopsis,molecular phylogeny,morphological key
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