
Online Lab System for Programming Training Courses: A Case of FPT University

Proceedings of the 2019 4th International Conference on Distance Education and Learning(2019)

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In the field of software development, how can students get the most practical experience right after their graduation to meet the requirements of employers? In FPT University, we have designed an online system Lab where students experience real-world business programming problems, and work on project-based business models. These labs are guided by experts from the IT enterprises and are evaluated based on standards of the software industry. The system consists of four levels from low to high, in which students are required to use C or Java programming language, two of the most popular ones, to solve given problems. Students freely choose problems to solve in order to enrich at least the minimum LOC (Line Of Code) number required for each level. System does not allow use "copy and paste" keys, and students are required typing code to solve problems. The assessment is implemented partially automatic and by experts. Through these courses, students not only improve their programming skills, practical work experience, and career orientation but also have the opportunities to participate in professional networks, having more chances to be employable when they graduate. We are currently implementing the system at all four FPT University campuses in Vietnam (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and Can Tho) as well as at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD).
E-learning emerging hardware and software, Higher education, New trends in learning and training, Web-based learning
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