In vivo imaging of D 2 receptors and corticosteroids predict behavioural responses to captivity stress in a wild bird


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Individual physiological variation may underlie individual differences in behaviour in response to stressors. This study tested the hypothesis that individual variation in dopamine and corticosteroid physiology in wild house sparrows ( Passer domesticus , n = 15) would significantly predict behaviour and weight loss in response to a long-term stressor, captivity. We found that individuals that coped better with captivity (fewer anxiety-related behaviours, more time spent feeding, higher body mass) had lower baseline and higher stress-induced corticosteroid titres at capture. Birds with higher striatal D 2 receptor binding (examined using positron emission tomography (PET) with 11 C-raclopride 24 h post-capture) spent more time feeding in captivity, but weighed less, than birds with lower D 2 receptor binding. In the subset of individuals imaged a second time, D 2 receptor binding decreased in captivity in moulting birds, and larger D 2 decreases were associated with increased anxiety behaviours 2 and 4 weeks post-capture. This suggests changes in dopaminergic systems could be one physiological mechanism underlying negative behavioural effects of chronic stress. Non-invasive technologies like PET have the potential to transform our understanding of links between individual variation in physiology and behaviour and elucidate which neuroendocrine phenotypes predict stress resilience, a question with important implications for both humans and wildlife.
Positron-emission tomography,Stress and resilience,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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