Inhibition of SIRT1/2 upregulates HSPA5 acetylation and induces pro-survival autophagy via ATF4-DDIT4-mTORC1 axis in human lung cancer cells


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Sirtuins have emerged as a promising novel class of anti-cancer drug targets. Inhibition of SIRT1 and SIRT2 induces apoptosis in cancer cells and they play multifaceted roles in regulating autophagy. In the present study, we found that salermide, a SIRT1/2-specific inhibitor or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to block SIRT1/2 expression could induce autophagy in human NSCLC cells. Moreover, SIRT1/2 inhibition increased the expression levels of ATF4 and DDIT4 and downregulated p-RPS6KB1 and p-EIF4EBP1, two downstream molecules of mTORC1. Moreover, ATF4 or DDIT4 knockdown attenuated salermide-induced autophagy, suggesting that SIRT1/2 inhibition induced autophagy through the ATF4-DDIT4-mTORC1 axis. Mechanistically, SIRT1/2 inhibition led to HSPA5 acetylation and dissociation from EIF2AK3, leading to ER stress response and followed by upregulation of ATF4 and DDIT4, triggering autophagy. Silencing of the autophagic gene ATG5 in lung cancer cells resulted in increased apoptotic cell death induced by SIRT1/2 inhibition. Our data show that inhibition of SIRT1/2 induces pro-survival autophagy via acetylation of HSPA5 and subsequent activation of ATF4 and DDIT4 to inhibit the mTOR signaling pathway in NSCLC cells. These findings suggest that combinatorial treatment with SIRT1/2 inhibitors and pharmacological autophagy inhibitors is an effective therapeutic strategy for cancer therapy.
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