QianLi: A Modular System for Connecting Distant Family Members Through Tacit Interaction.

Zhibin Zhou,Hao Jiang,Chang-yuan Yang, Jinglan Yang, Yong Yi Wendy Loy,Lingyun Sun

HCI (12)(2019)

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Many families are now geographically separated for various reasons, while most of current communication technologies call for active participation and are intrusive. In this paper, we propose the concept of tacit interaction that supports nonintrusive communication. The concept is then applied to the design of the QianLi system comprising a central base and several modular devices that help distant family members to tacitly stay in touch without excessive intrusion. Such tacit interaction in the QianLi system is realized using artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things technology. When the user fulfils a predetermined condition, the QianLi system shows the corresponding customized reaction to other distant users. This paper also demonstrates the implementation methods, technical components, and interaction possibilities of the QianLi system. An evaluation reveals that our system assists users to share their lives with distant family members in a nonintrusive, customized and tacit way. In the future, QianLi may also serve as a potential research material that can be used to obtain more insights into tacit interaction in practical applications.
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