
Characterisation of measles after the introduction of the combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine in 2004 with focus on the laboratory data, 2016 to 2019 outbreak, Romania.


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Background: Since January 2016, a resurgence of measles in Romania has led to the third measles epidemic in the past 12 years; 64 deaths have been confirmed so far-the highest number of measles-related deaths since the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine was introduced in 2004. Aim: To provide an overview on the characterisation on measles in Romania after the introduction of the MMR vaccine with focus on the current outbreak, laboratory and molecular analysis. Methods: We performed an analysis of measles incidence and mortality after the introduction of MMR vaccination and a retrospective study using serological and molecular data in three consecutive outbreaks with focus on the current outbreak. Results: In the current outbreak, 17,533 measles cases were notified to the national surveillance system, 93% were unvaccinated. Measles virus was isolated from 429 samples and 283 were genotyped. Genotype B3 was predominant (n = 269) and sporadic measles cases associated with D8 genotype (n = 9) were also observed; genotype D4 and D8 were identified in the previous two measles outbreaks. The detection of several distinct measles virus B3 genotypes suggests multiple virus importations to Romania. Conclusion: The current outbreak is a consequence of insufficient vaccine coverage. Control measures were implemented to improve uptake of MMR vaccine, including administering the first MMR dose at a younger age (9-11 months) and offering catch-up vaccination to children that have not followed the recommended dosing schedule. More measures are needed to improve the surveillance performance and to achieve high routine MMR vaccination coverage.
MMR,Romania,air-borne infections,children,epidemiology,laboratory,laboratory surveillance,measles,measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine,molecular epidemiology,molecular methods,outbreak,vaccination,vaccine-preventable diseases,viral infections
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