Delivery Room Interventions To Improve The Stabilization Of Extremely-Low-Birth-Weight Infants


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Objective: To retrospectively verify whether the positioning of the umbilical venous catheter (UVC) in the delivery room (DR) and the early start of the preheated infusion of 10% glucose solution conditioned temperature and glycemia values of ELBW neonates in the first hours of life. Methods: Neonates (N = 137) were divided into two groups on the basis of timing of positioning of the UVC. In Group I the UVC was placed in DR, while in Group II after Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admission. Data were assessed in different times: body temperature at neonatal admission to NICU (T-1); after 2 hours (T-2); then, every 2 hours until normothermia; glycemia value at NICU admission, every 1-2 hours in the first 12 hours, every 4 hours from 12 to 24 hours, and every 6-12 hours until normalization. Time slot childbirth was also detected since only in the morning shift there was a dedicated resuscitation team always present in DR, while during the afternoon and night it was available on-call. Preventive measures to limit heat dispersion were adopted in both Groups. Results: In Group I respect to Group II, both at T-1 and T-2: (a) the rate of normothermic neonates was higher and (b) the rate of neonates with moderate hypothermia was lower. The hourly temperature increase was similar between the groups and the time needed to reach normothermia was significantly lower in Group I than in Group II. Glycemic values at T-1 were lower in Group II. In Group II, after UVC positioning and glucose solution administration, the 42.2% of infants immediately brought glycemia back to normal, while the 57.8% needed specific treatment. The majority of newborns of Group I was born during the morning shift. Conclusions: The early UVC placement by a dedicated interdisciplinary team is a relevant intervention to carry out during the "Golden minutes" to improve the ELBW stabilization soon after birth.
Delivery room management, extremely-low-birth-weight, premature, umbilical venous catheter
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