GABAergic inhibition gates perceptual awareness during binocular rivalry.


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Binocular rivalry is a classic experimental tool to probe the neural machinery of perceptual awareness. During rivalry, perception alternates between the two eyes, and the ebb and flow of perception is modeled to rely on the strength of inhibitory interactions between competitive neuronal populations in visual cortex. As a result, rivalry has been suggested as a noninvasive perceptual marker of inhibitory signaling in visual cortex, and its putative disturbance in psychiatric conditions, including autism. Yet, direct evidence causally implicating inhibitory signaling in the dynamics of binocular rivalry is currently lacking. We previously found that people with higher GABA levels in visual cortex, measured using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, have stronger perceptual suppression during rivalry. Here, we present direct causal tests of the impact of GABAergic inhibition on rivalry dynamics, and the contribution of specific GABA receptors to these dynamics. In a crossover pharmacological design with male and female adult participants, we found that drugs that modulate the two dominant GABA receptor types in the brain, GABA(A) (clobazam) and GABA(B) (arbaclofen), increase perceptual suppression during rivalry relative to a placebo. Crucially, these results could not be explained by changes in reaction times or response criteria, as determined through rivalry simulation trials, suggesting a direct and specific influence of GABA on perceptual suppression. A full replication study of the GABA(B) modulator reinforces these findings. These results provide causal evidence fora link between the strength of inhibition in the brain and perceptual suppression during rivalry and have implications for psychiatric conditions including autism.
awareness,binocular rivalry,GABA,inhibition,perception,pharma
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