Boosted darunavir and dolutegravir dual therapy among a cohort of highly treatment-experienced individuals.


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Background: The use of dual antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens for treatment of HIV is increasing. The contemporary combination of boosted darunavir with dolutegravir has not been widely studied. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study that evaluated treatment-experienced individuals within three large urban clinics prescribed boosted darunavir with dolutegravir (study regimen) dual therapy. Follow-up was defined as the number of days from regimen initiation until the last HIV RNA determination on the study regimen. Virological outcomes, HIV RNA <= 50 copies/ml (undetectable), were assessed overall and by baseline HIV RNA status. Results: Of 65 individuals included, 83% were at least 3-class antiretroviral-experienced and median time since starting ART was 19 years (IQR 13-22). Median followup was 419 days (IQR 286-744). An undetectable HIV RNA was achieved by 62/65 (95%) individuals at any time point on the study regimen. At the end of followup 61/65 (94%) individuals remained undetectable, including 48/49 (98%) with an undetectable HIV RNA at baseline (those changing for optimization) and 13/16 (81%) with viraemia at baseline (those changing therapy during virological failure). At the end of follow-up, 55 (85%) individuals were still taking the study regimen. No individuals stopped therapy due to virological failure or intolerance. Conclusions: In a highly treatment-experienced cohort, boosted darunavir with dolutegravir dual therapy demonstrated high rates of virological success, even in those with detectable HIV RNA prior to initiating the study regimen. Further study of this potent, simple, high-barrier dual-class regimen is warranted.
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