
Deciphering the Binding Mechanism of Noscapine with Lysozyme: Biophysical and Chemoinformatic Approaches.

ACS omega(2019)

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Lysozyme is a well-characterized protein in terms of its structure, dynamics, and functions. It has thus emerged as a potential target to understand protein-drug interactions. The aim of our study is to gain a biophysical outlook on the interaction of lysozyme (Lyz), a well-known model protein, with Noscapine, a potent tubulin-binding anticancer drug. Noscapine (Nos) is effective against a wide range of cancer and shows low toxicity and few side effects. We report the underlying mechanism of complex formation between Nos and Lyz using spectroscopic and advanced computational avenues. The spectroscopic techniques, that is, absorption and steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence, proved that Lyz-Nos forms a complex, and the quenching mechanism was of the static type. The binding constant was in the order of 10 indicative of moderate binding, while the stoichiometry of the protein-drug complex was 1:1 at 298 K. The secondary structural analysis using CD and UV thermal denaturation further confirmed the conformational changes in the protein upon binding with Nos. Molecular dynamics simulation studies confirmed the stable binding with minimum deviations in RMSD. The above conclusions are significant to the development of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic properties of Nos, and its successful interaction with a versatile protein like Lyz will help in overcoming its previous limitations.
noscapine,lysozyme,binding mechanism
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