A Smart Role Mapping Recommendation System

2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)(2019)

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Role based access control (RBAC) has been widely adopted in industry and government. However, traditional RBAC is only suitable for closed enterprise environments. To enable cross-domain accesses, some role mapping schemes have been proposed to map the roles from the accessor domain to the accessee domain. As discussed in the literature, establishing role based systems is a labor intensive task and some semi-automated assistance tools have been introduced to reduce the manual efforts. Similarly, role mapping in large scale organizations can incur intense manual efforts, but there is not yet automated solutions in the literature. In this paper, we introduce a smart role mapping process, where prospective role mappings are generated automatically based on the similarities of the roles and recommended to the security officers. Based on the recommendations, the security officers can then approve or modify the mappings and achieve the role mapping task with much ease.
Role-based access control,role mapping,concept extraction,role similarity
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