Research on Transmission Relationship of Grid Green Development Assessment Indicators Based on Improved PageRank ISM Big Data Algorithm

2023 International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Applications (ICBTA)(2023)

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Green development is the internal requirement for achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality, implementing the new development concept, building a Dual circulation, and promoting high-quality development. It is an important path to respond to the major strategic decisions made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in coordinating domestic and international situations. In order to ensure the green development of power grid enterprises, the relationship between green development indicator systems of power grid enterprises driven by Big data should be established. This paper aims at the existing green development indicator system in Fujian Province. First, through Big data analysis, based on the ISM model, we build a Relational model for the conduction between indicators. Then, based on the constructed directed graph of the conduction relationship between indicators, we use the improved PageRank algorithm to calculate the importance of each indicator, and rank the importance of the indicators based on this, so that power grid enterprises can better rationalize the conduction relationship between indicators.
Big data,ISM,PageRank,Grid greend development
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