Reorganizing and Optimizing Post-Inspection on Suspicious Bug Reports in Path-Sensitive Analysis

2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS)(2019)

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To efficiently prune infeasible program paths, path-sensitive static analysis based bug detectors may utilize light-weight imprecise methods to check the satisfiability of path constraints, which leads to redundant reports and falsepositives. Although the false-positives can be eliminated by the post-inspection process, which re-checks the feasibility of the paths of each bug report with precise methods, the redundant reports are inspected unnecessarily. In this paper, we discuss how to improve the efficiency of the post-inspection process. We categorize the uninspected reports into disjoint sets and sort the reports in each category, which helps to decrease the number of inspection attempts. Besides, we parallelize the inspection for further speedup. The experimental results indicate that about 65.20% of needless inspections are eliminated in total. With the sorted category sets, about 52.4% of attempts are additionally reduced. And compared with the sequential execution, the parallel approach further gains an average speedup of 5.74 under 8 threads.
Path-Sensitive Static Analysis,Post-Inspection,Suspicious Bug Report
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