The inflection point hypothesis: a principled debugging approach for locating the root cause of a failure

Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles(2019)

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The end goal of failure diagnosis is to locate the root cause. Prior root cause localization approaches almost all rely on statistical analysis. This paper proposes taking a different approach based on the observation that if we model an execution as a totally ordered sequence of instructions, then the root cause can be identified by the first instruction where the failure execution deviates from the non-failure execution that has the longest instruction sequence prefix in common with that of the failure execution. Thus, root cause analysis is transformed into a principled search problem to identify the non-failure execution with the longest common prefix. We present Kairux, a tool that does just that. It is, in most cases, capable of pinpointing the root cause of a failure in a distributed system, in a fully automated way. Kairux uses tests from the system's rich unit test suite as building blocks to construct the non-failure execution that has the longest common prefix with the failure execution in order to locate the root cause. By evaluating Kairux on some of the most complex, real-world failures from HBase, HDFS, and ZooKeeper, we show that Kairux can accurately pinpoint each failure's respective root cause.
debugging, distributed systems, failure diagnosis, root cause
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