Hypergraph clustering with categorical edge labels


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Graphs and networks are a standard model for describing data or systems based on pairwise interactions. Oftentimes, the underlying relationships involve more than two entities at a time, and hypergraphs are a more faithful model. However, we have fewer rigorous methods that can provide insight from such representations. Here, we develop a computational framework for the problem of clustering hypergraphs with categorical edge labels --- or different interaction types --- where clusters corresponds to groups of nodes that frequently participate in the same type of interaction. Our methodology is based on a combinatorial objective function that is related to correlation clustering but enables the design of much more efficient algorithms. When there are only two label types, our objective can be optimized in polynomial time, using an algorithm based on minimum cuts. Minimizing our objective becomes NP-hard with more than two label types, but we develop fast approximation algorithms based on linear programming relaxations that have theoretical cluster quality guarantees. We demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithms and the scope of the model through problems in edge-label community detection, clustering with temporal data, and exploratory data analysis.
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