
Effect of foliar application of nitrogen on growth, yield and grain quality parameters of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)


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A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of foliar application of nitrogen on growth, yield and grain quality parameters of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) (cv. ‘TD-1). The thrice replicated treatments included T1: Recommended dose of NPK (168:84:60 kg ha -1 ), T 2= Full Recommended dose   of 168 kg ha -1 N+ 0.5% N foliar spray )T 3= Half Recommended dose 84 kg ha -1 N + 0.5% N foliar spray at booting stage)T 4= Full  Recommended dose 168 kg ha -1 N + 1% of  N foliar spray at booting stage),T 5= Half Recommended dose of  84 kg ha -1 N + 1% N foliar spray at booting stage.All the treatments also received a recommended blanket dose of P (84 kg ha-1) and K (60 kg ha-1), through soil mixing of DAP and SOP before wheat sowing. The soil application of 84 kg N ha-1, in all the treatments, was done through broadcasting at the time of first irrigation. In T1, T2, T4 the remaining 84 kg N ha-1 has applied at the time of ear head emergence (EHE). The foliar application of urea was done at booting stage. The experimental soil was heavy, non-saline, alkaline, and low in organic matter and P, with adequate K. The results revealed that the plant height at maturity, number of tillers, spike length, Spike length (cm), Grains spike -1 and Grain yield (kg ha -1 ), were remained non-significant (p >0.05). Nonetheless, except for HI, T4 and T5 remained superior (p <0.05) over both T1, T2 and T3. The maximum significant (p <0.05) DW was found at T4. The protein content (%), grain starch (%) and seed moisture (%) of grain were also superior (p <0.05) in the case of T4.
grain quality parameters,wheat,foliar application,nitrogen
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