
EUROSTAD Prospective Observational Study: Baseline Characteristics, Atopic Dermatitis Severity, and Patient-Reported Outcomes

˜The œjournal of investigative dermatology/Journal of investigative dermatology(2019)

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The EUROSTAD study aims to describe characteristics of patients (pts) treated with systemic therapy for atopic dermatitis (AD) and their management in a real-world setting. We report baseline (BL) characteristics, AD severity, and pt-reported outcomes (PROs) from EUROSTAD. 308 AD pts (≥18 years [yrs]) will be followed for 5 yrs and receive AD therapy as prescribed by their physicians. Pts must be eligible for treatment with systemic AD therapy. 56.8% pts are male, mean age (SD) 37.2yrs (13.8), mean body weight 73.3kg (17.7). Mean age at AD onset was 11.8yrs (16.8) and mean AD duration 25.4yrs (15.6). 301 reported prior systemic immunosuppressive use. Mean time from AD onset to first systemic was 21.1yrs (15.1). At enrollment, 284 pts were receiving systemic immunosuppressives: cyclosporine A (40.5%), methotrexate (23.2%), systemic corticosteroids (19.0%), dupilumab (18.3%), azathioprine (5.6%), and mycophenolate (2.8%). Most pts had moderate/severe (53.5%/31.6%) AD (IGA score 3/4). BL EASI and IGA mean global scores were 16.3 (10.9) and 3.1 (0.8). BL mean PRO scores were 11.9 (6.9) for DLQI and 17.0 (7.2) for POEM; 5.4 (2.5) for Peak Pruritus NRS; 8.4 (3.7) (anxiety) and 8.8 (4.6) (depression) for HADS; 50.3 (31.8) for sleep VAS; and 66.0 (21.3) for the 3-level, 5-dimension EuroQoL VAS for health-related quality of life. The BL pts characteristics show a population affected by long-standing moderate-to-severe AD, with significant disease burden despite systemic immunosuppressives. By following AD progress and its management, this study will contribute to understanding the disease course and impact of therapy on real-world outcomes.
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