
Factors Determining Diagnostic Yield of Wireless Capsule Endoscopy

˜The œAmerican journal of gastroenterology(2015)

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experiencing feelings of depression or discouragement (40.9% vs. 28.4%). Clinical: Signifi cantly more S vs. M patients experienced: extremely frequent bowel movements (34.8% vs 17.3%) and more fl ares (mean 139 vs. 65 times/year). Productivity: Signifi cantly more S vs M pts reported being unable to attend school/work (37.9% vs. 18.2%), and had signifi cantly more hours missed from work in last 7 days (mean 9.11 vs. 3.24). Satisfaction: Signifi cantly more M vs. S pts reported being very satisfi ed with the medical care provided (33.7% vs. 20.3%), while three times as many M as S pts felt route of administration was an important treatment satisfaction issue (ranked 1st or 2nd). Economics: S pts see their treating physician 4.12 times per year vs. 2.33 for M, and in the last 6 months had a mean of 1.53 vs. 0.82 CD-related ER visits and 2.5 times the mean length of hospital stay vs. M pts. Conclusion: Severe pts showed signifi cantly greater burden of disease than M pts. Quantifying severe vs moderate profi le diff erences may help: shape shared decision making tools, highlight important areas for pt satisfaction, inform treatment progression discussions and design economic consequence models.
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