Good Systems: Ethical AI for CSCW

Conference Companion Publication of the 2019 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing(2019)

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Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing work, including what it means for cooperative work to be supported by computers. The increased use of AI in CSCW can lead to many advantages, including increased productivity and efficiency, but it can also include several potential ethical trade-offs, such as invasions of privacy, loss of autonomy, and job displacement. This workshop will explore the ethical dimensions of AI in CSCW, building on Good Systems, a UT Grand Challenge. Specifically, the first half of the workshop will focus on the need to design AI to work for all users and to avoid bias through the use of universal design as well as the need for AI and CSCW researchers to interact with policy and legal experts to work together to ensure that AI will be developed in an ethical manner with sufficient consideration of its societal implications, and also that AI will be regulated and legislated in ways that will maximize its benefits to all people.
artificial intelligence, automation, ethics, human values, machine learning, policy, universal design, work
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