Poster: Evaluating Code Coverage for System Call Fuzzers

Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security(2019)

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The OS kernel, which has entire system privileges, is an attractive target of attackers. To reduce this threat, we need to find security bugs in the kernel prior to the attackers, and system call fuzzing is a widely used technique for this purpose. However, many system call fuzzers have not been evaluated for coverage performance which is an important indicator in fuzzing. In this poster, we propose a methodology to evaluate the code coverage performance of system call fuzzers with a strategy that combines virtualization and Intel Processor Trace (PT). First, we extract all the functions in the kernel that can be executed by system calls. Then we perform fuzzing with the target system call fuzzer on the guest OS, and record coverage information by leveraging the Intel PT. Finally, we evaluate system call fuzzers by comparing the list of functions related to system calls with the executed functions logged by Intel PT while fuzzing.
evaluation, fuzzing, kernel fuzzing
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