Traditional Chinese herb for low endometrial receptivity and its effect on pregnancy: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.


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Background: Low endometrial receptivity is associated with infertility in women through multiple and complex mechanisms. Existing treatments are not always effective. Symptomatic drugs such as estradiol valerate and/or aspirin do not completely solve the problem. Traditional Chinese herbs have been widely used in infertility and uterine disease including low endometrial receptivity. However, their effectiveness and safety are still obscure and deserve further investigation. Objective: To assess the effect and safety of traditional Chinese herbs in treating low endometrial receptivity. Methods: We will summarize and meta-analyze randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of traditional Chinese herbs for the treatment of low endometrial receptivity. RCTs comparing traditional Chinese herbs with blank control, placebo, or conventional therapies will be included. RCTs comparing traditional Chinese herbs plus conventional therapies with conventional therapies alone will also be included. The following electronic databases will be searched: PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, CNKI, CBM, VIP, and WANFANG DATA. The methodological quality of RCTs will be assessed using the Cochrane risk assessment tool. All trials included will be analyzed according to the criteria of the Cochrane Handbook. Review Manager 5.3, R-3.5.1 software will be used for publication bias analysis. GRADE pro GDT web solution will be used for evidence evaluation. Results: This review will evaluate the effects of traditional Chinese herbs on estradiol, progesterone, thickness, volume, and perfusion index(PI) of the endometrium, pregnancy rate, and symptoms. Conclusions: This review will provide clear evidence to assess the effectiveness and safety of traditional Chinese herbs for low endometrial receptivity. OSF registration number: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/M85VT.
low endometrial receptivity,protocol,systematic review,traditional Chinese herbs
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