P3849Baseline profile of patients treated for acute venous thromboembolism in routine clinical practice according to age and renal function in the RE-COVERY DVT/PE global cohort study

W Ageno,I B Casella, C K Han,S Schellong,S Schulman, D E Singer, M Desch,W Tang, I Voccia, K Zint,S Z Goldhaber


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Abstract Background Observational studies provide the opportunity to evaluate routine practice without the selection and treatment criteria imposed in randomized clinical trials (RCTs). Purpose Using data from the RE-COVERY DVT/PE global observational study (enrolment January 2016 to May 2017), we describe the baseline profile of patients treated for acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) in routine clinical practice according to age and renal function. Methods Baseline patient characteristics, clinical features (comorbidities/medical history), and anticoagulant therapy were tabulated descriptively for the subgroups of age (<75, ≥75 years) and creatinine clearance (<30, 30 to <50 [moderate impairment], 50 to <80 [mild impairment], ≥80 mL/min). Anticoagulant therapy at baseline and at hospital discharge or 14 days after diagnosis (whichever was later) was recorded. Results In this observational study of 6122 patients with acute deep vein thrombosis, the proportions of patients at baseline who were ≥75 years of age (25.2%) or who had mild to moderate renal impairment (38.1%) were higher than in RCTs of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) for acute VTE treatment (∼12–13% elderly and ∼26–29% with mild or moderate renal impairment) (from analyses of the RE-COVER trials; Hokusai-VTE and AMPLIFY). Older patients and those with renal impairment were more often female and were more likely to have comorbidities than the younger or normal renal function groups (Table). At the time of hospital discharge or 14 days after diagnosis, whichever was later, the majority was treated with NOACs (54%). Vitamin K antagonists were prescribed to approximately 1 in 5 patients. The use of NOACs decreased with worsening renal function, whereas the proportions treated with parenteral anticoagulation alone increased in the moderate renal impairment group compared with patients with normal renal function. Conclusion The population treated for acute VTE in routine clinical practice includes more elderly and renally impaired patients than represented in RCTs. These baseline data provide a snapshot of patient characteristics and patterns of anticoagulant therapy. Acknowledgement/Funding Funded by Boehringer Ingelheim
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