
P2.01-56 Copy Number Gains (cngs) of Clinically Relevant Genes in Advanced NSCLC Patients

Journal of thoracic oncology(2019)

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Somatic copy number variations (CNV; i.e. amplifications and deletions) have been implicated in the origin and development of multiple cancers and some of these aberrations are designated targets for therapies, such as amplified ERBB2 in breast cancer. In the case of NSCLC patients, MET alterations are receiving increasing attention as targets in precision medicine, and several clinical trials of anti-MET agents are ongoing. Routine testing for these potential targets on formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples is mainly carried out by in-situ hybridization (FISH) approaches covering only a single gene of interest. Although this methodology is still the gold standard of CNV detection, it presents several drawbacks. Here we aimed to determine the potential of next generation sequencing (NGS) to simultaneously determine CNGs across many in FFPE samples FFPE biopsies from 140 stage IIIb-IV NSCLC patients (p) of our institution were prospective tested. Of them, 110 corresponded to samples at diagnostic and 30 after progression to targeted therapies. DNA was purified submitted to NGS using the 16-gene QIAact Lung Panel (Genereader®, Qiagen). Coverages for the genes analyzed were normalized using the total coverage of the panel. Cut-off values for CNVs were established as the average normalized coverage for each gene plus two times the standard deviation. Representative samples were analyzed by FISH Validation analyses in 8 cell lines showed 100% concordance between FISH and NGS for detection of EGFR, MET and ERBB2 amplifications. Among the 140 NSCLC p, MET was the gene showing a higher frequency of CNGs, followed by PIK3CA, NRAS, EGFR and KRAS (Table 1). In contrast, only one p was found to harbor a ROS1 CNG. Among the 17 samples with MET CNG (12%), 6 corresponded to p progressing to targeted therapies. In addition, 8 of the 17 samples with MET CNGs were submitted to FISH, 6 of them were positive and the remaining 2 samples had copy numbers higher than 3.5 by this technique. In the case of EGFR, CNGs were associated with sensitizing mutations, with 5 samples showing both alterations concomitantly. In contrast, PIK3CA, NRAS, ALK, BRAF, HER2, PDGFRA, KIT and MET CNGs were not associated with mutations (Table 1).Tabled 1n CNG%n MUTANTMET1712.10PIK3CA128.60NRAS107.10EGFR107.15KRAS107.12ALK85.70BRAF85.70ERBB285.70PDGFRA64.30KIT64.30ROS110.70 Open table in a new tab CNGs in clinically relevant genes are present in a significant percentage of advanced NSCLC patients and, except in the case of EGFR, are not associated with driver mutations. Further research is warranted to determine the clinical implications of this finding.
NSCLC,NGS,Copy number gains
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