
Morphological Assessment of the Sensilla of the Antennal Flagellum in Different Castes of the Stingless Bee Tetragonisca Fiebrigi

E. Month-Juris, S. Veiga Ravaiano,D. M. Lopes,T. M. Fernandes Salomao,G. F. Martins

Journal of zoology(2019)

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The antennae of the insects have cuticular structures called sensilla that play a pivotal role in the perception of stimuli and in communication. The morphology of antennal sensilla has been characterized in eusocial bees; however, there is little information on bees of the genus Tetragonisca. Using scanning electron microscopy, 11 types of antennal sensilla were identified in Tetragonisca fiebrigi: trichodea (ST, subtypes I-VI), placodea, basiconica, coeloconica, ampullacea, and campaniformia. The largest diversity of sensilla was observed in females. The STI was the most abundant, followed by the placodea and the STII. The STI and the sensila placodea were more abundant in males than females, while the STII were more abundant in workers. Significant differences were found in the length of the different types of sensilla among the classes of individuals, with these differences being greater for the STI in males and the STV in queen; for the STII, STIII, and STIV in queen and workers; and for sensila placodea in queens, workers, and soldiers. Multivariate analysis (PCA and UPGMA) showed that the soldier subcaste was separated from the other females. This study advanced our understanding of sensilla morphology, including the number and distribution of sensilla across sexes and castes, and the sensory structures of T. fiebrigi. The results presented provide relevant information for elucidating the communication mechanisms of social insects.
stingless bees,morphology,scanning electron microscopy,communication,social insects,antennae,caste,Tetragonisca fiebrigi
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