
2843. Maternal Fecal Transplantation to Infants Born by Cesarean Section: Safety and Feasibility

Open Forum Infectious Diseases(2019)

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Abstract Background A complication of cesarean section delivery is its interference with the normal intestinal colonization of the infant, affecting the development of immune system in early life—a process that has been associated with long-term morbidity, such as allergy and diabetes. We evaluated, in CS-delivered infants, whether the normal intestinal microbiome and its early life development could be restored by immediate postnatal transfer of maternal fecal microbiota to the newborn. Methods Seventeen healthy mothers with planned elective CS were recruited and screened thoroughly for infections, after which 7 mothers were included in the study. A fecal sample was processed according to a transplantation protocol and an aliquot (3–7 mg) was orally administered in breast-milk to the newborn during the first feeding. The infants were followed and fecal samples were gathered during the first 12 weeks of age and subsequently at the age of 8–18 months. Results The bacterial communities in the fecal samples of the mothers and their offspring were analyzed by sequencing of 16S rRNA amplicons from isolated fecal DNA and compared with that of 11 nontreated CS-delivered infants and 34 vaginally delivered infants. The fecal microbiota at 3 and 12 weeks was similar between treated CS and vaginally delivered infants, in contrast to that of the untreated CS-delivered infants both in overall composition (P = 0.001, Figure) and development of early-life signature bacteria, i.e., bacteroides and bifidobacteria and clostridia (P < 0.0001). Conclusion The seeding of maternal fecal microbes to the newborn intestine can be safely and successfully mimicked in elective CS by transferring a small amount of maternal fecal microbiome orally to the newborn infant. In these infants, this process results in a microbial development that is highly similar to that of the vaginally born infants, and provides support for the hypothesis that microbial colonization in early life results from a maternal fecal transfer. Disclosures All Authors: No reported Disclosures.
maternal fecal transplantation,cesarean section,infants
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