
Probing ALP-sterile Neutrino Couplings at the LHC

Alves Alexandre,Dias A.G., Universität Heidelberg

˜The œJournal of high energy physics/˜The œjournal of high energy physics(2020)

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Abstract In this work, prospects to probe an overlooked facet of axion-like particles (ALPs) — their potential couplings to sterile neutrinos — are presented. We found that mono-photon searches have the potential to constrain ALP couplings to sterile neutrinos when a new heavy scalar boosts the ALP decay yields. Working within an effective field theory (EFT) approach, we scan the parameters space to establish the reach of the 13 TeV LHC to probe such couplings. We found regions of the parameters space evading several experimental constraints that can be probed at the LHC. Moreover, a complementary role between the LHC and various experiments that search for axions and ALPs can be anticipated for models where ALPs interact with sterile neutrinos. We also present the UV realization of a model having an axion-like particle, a heavy scalar and sterile neutrinos whose parameters are spanned by our EFT approach. The proposed model contains a type of seesaw mechanism for generating masses for the active neutrinos along with sterile neutrinos involving the high energy scale of the spontaneous breaking of the global symmetry associated to the ALP. Some benchmark points of this model can be discovered at the 13 TeV LHC with 300 fb −1.
Beyond Standard Model,Effective Field Theories
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