
Sex-linked changes and high cardiovascular risk markers in the mature progeny of father, mother, or both father and mother consuming a high-fructose diet


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to observe the developmental origins of health and disease affecting offspring owing to the consumption of a diet containing high fructose by the father or mother or both, considering that progeny only received a control diet during postnatal life. Methods: Male (future father) and female (future mother) C57 BL/6 mice were fed a high-fructose diet (HFru; 45% energy) or a control diet (C) for 8 wk before mating until lactation. The offspring was termed according to sex, maternal diet (first acrostic), and paternal diet (second acrostic); and received a balanced control diet until 3-mo of age when they were sacrificed. Body mass (BM), plasmatic leptin, adiponectin, uric acid, and systolic blood pressure (BP) were measured in mature offspring. Results: Fasting glycemia and insulin were elevated in HFru fathers and mothers. Although there was no change in BM, fasting glycemia, or insulin of the offspring, those of HFru fathers, HFru mothers, and HFru fathers and mothers presented higher genital fat pad, leptin, uric acid, and BP, and lower adiponectin. The values of leptin and BP were maximized when both parents consumed a HFru diet. Also, there was sexual dimorphism in most of the variables, with the male offspring being affected to a greater extent than the females. Conclusions: Consumption of a fructose-rich diet by the father, the mother, or both negatively affected the adipokines, BP, and uric acid concentrations of mature offspring, with males being more affected than females. It is significant to consider that high BP and plasmatic uric acid correspond to markers of elevated cardiovascular risk in the progeny. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
High fructose diet,Paternal programming,Maternal programming,DOHaD,Uric acid
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