A quantum liquid of magnetic octupoles on the pyrochlore lattice


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Spin liquids are highly correlated yet disordered states formed by the entanglement of magnetic dipoles 1 . Theories define such states using gauge fields and deconfined quasiparticle excitations that emerge from a local constraint governing the ground state of a frustrated magnet. For example, the ‘2-in–2-out’ ice rule for dipole moments on a tetrahedron can lead to a quantum spin ice 2 – 4 in rare-earth pyrochlores. However, f -electron ions often carry multipole degrees of freedom of higher rank than dipoles, leading to intriguing behaviours and ‘hidden’ orders 5 , 6 . Here we show that the correlated ground state of a Ce 3+ -based pyrochlore, Ce 2 Sn 2 O 7 , is a quantum liquid of magnetic octupoles. Our neutron scattering results are consistent with a fluid-like state where degrees of freedom have a more complex magnetization density than that of magnetic dipoles. The nature and strength of the octupole–octupole couplings, together with the existence of a continuum of excitations attributed to spinons, provides further evidence for a quantum ice of octupoles governed by a ‘2-plus–2-minus’ rule 7 , 8 . Our work identifies Ce 2 Sn 2 O 7 as a unique example of frustrated multipoles forming a ‘hidden’ topological order, thus generalizing observations on quantum spin liquids to multipolar phases that can support novel types of emergent fields and excitations.
magnetic octupoles,quantum liquid
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