Basic smartphone-aided communication and leisure for people with extensive neuro-motor impairment and absence of speech.


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BACKGROUND: Individuals with extensive neuro-motor impairment and lack of speech tend to remain passive and isolated, and to rely on others for communication and leisure. While their problems are known, only limited evidence is available about intervention tools that could help them curb those problems. OBJECTIVE: This study was aimed at upgrading and assessing a smartphone-based technology package, which was recently developed to help those individuals to independently engage in basic communication and leisure. METHODS: The study included 11 non-ambulatory participants who had no speech or functional active communication. They were provided with (a) a Samsung A3 smartphone with Android 6.0 Operating System, which was fitted with WhatsApp Messenger and programmed via MacroDroid, and (b) cards fitted with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. By bringing those cards in contact with the back of the smartphone, the participant could start a communication event (e.g., sending a message to a friend) or activate a leisure event (e.g., a song). The smartphone would automatically read to the participant any incoming messages. RESULTS: During the baseline (i.e., when a standard smartphone was available), the participants were unable to engage in communication or leisure. Once the aforementioned technology package was introduced, the participants spent between about 65 and 85% of their session time engaging in communication and leisure. CONCLUSIONS: The smartphone-based technology package seems to be a useful tool to support basic communication and leisure in individuals like those involved in this study.
Neuro-motor impairment,communication,leisure,smartphone,technology,messages
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