The Effect of Second-Generation Antidepressant Treatment on the Memory of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: A Meta-analysis Study With Structural Equation Models.


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Background Major depressive disorder (MDD) has been linked to episodic memory deficits that may be improved after pharmacological treatment, but it is unclear whether there is a class of antidepressants that is more effective than others to ameliorate these deficits in MDD. In addition, the possible effects of clinical and sociodemographic variables on the improvement of MDD memory deficits after pharmacological treatment are currently unknown. Our aims are to study the possible neuropsychological effects of second-generation antidepressant classes on the episodic memory of MDD patients and to study the potential effects of clinical and demographic variables as moderators of the effects of antidepressants on the memory of depressed patients through a meta-analysis approach. Procedures Nine articles were included in our study. A structural equation model meta-analysis was performed. Results Our results suggest that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonine-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors would bring about a substantial improvement in the memory of depressed patients, whereas other antidepressant classes would cause rather modest effects. Our results also suggest that clinical and demographic variables play a very important role as mediators of memory improvement after MDD treatment. Thus, a relatively low level of symptom severity, a high degree of clinical improvement, a younger age, and more years of education were positively related to memory improvement after MDD treatment. Conclusions Although antidepressant class is an important variable linked to memory improvement in MDD, overall, the degree of memory amelioration in depression is very closely related to clinical and demographic variables of patients with depression.
meta-analysis,major depressive disorder,antidepressants,memory,MASEM (structural equation models)
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