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Strong Solutions of Mean-Field SDEs with irregular expectation functional in the drift


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We analyze multi-dimensional mean-field stochastic differential equations where the drift depends on the law in form of a Lebesgue integral with respect to the pushforward measure of the solution. We show existence and uniqueness of Malliavin differentiable strong solutions for irregular drift coefficients, which in particular include the case where the drift depends on the cumulative distribution function of the solution. Moreover, we examine the solution as a function in its initial condition and introduce sufficient conditions on the drift to guarantee differentiability. Under these assumptions we then show that the Bismut-Elworthy-Li formula proposed in Bauer et al. (2018) holds in a strong sense, i.e. we give a probabilistic representation of the strong derivative with respect to the initial condition of expectation functionals of strong solutions to our type of mean-field equations in one-dimension.
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