qkdSim: An experimenter's simulation toolkit for QKD with imperfections, and its performance analysis with a demonstration of the B92 protocol using heralded photon


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Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is one of the most important aspects of quantum cryptography. Using laws of quantum mechanics as the basis for security, the key distribution process is made information theoretically secure in QKD. With the advancement and commercialization of QKD, an end-to-end QKD simulation software is required that can include experimental imperfections. Software of this kind will ensure that resources are invested only after prior performance analysis, and is faithful to experimental capacities and limitations. In this work, we introduce our QKD simulation toolkit qkdSim, which is ultimately aimed at being developed into such a software package that can precisely model and analyse any generic QKD protocol. We present the design, implementation and testing of a prototype of qkdSim that can accurately simulate our own experimental demonstration of the B92 protocol. The simulation results match well with experiment; a representative key rate and QBER from experiment is $51 \pm 0.5$ Kbits/sec and $4.79\% \pm 0.01\%$ respectively, wherein the simulation yields $52.83 \pm 0.36$ Kbits/sec and $4.79\% \pm 0.01\%$ respectively.
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