
PKN1 Controls the Aggregation, Spheroid Formation, and Viability of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts in Suspension Culture.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC(2019)

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The role of protein kinase N1 (PKN1) in cell aggregation and spheroid formation was investigated using mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) deficient in kinase activity caused by a point mutation (T778A) in the activation loop. Wild type (WT) MEFs formed cell aggregates within a few hours in suspension cultures placed in poly-2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (poly-HEMA) coated flat-bottom dishes. By contrast, PKN1[T778A] (PKN1 T778A/T778A homozygous knock-in) MEFs showed significantly delayed aggregate formation and higher susceptibility to cell death. Video analysis of suspension cultures revealed decreased cell motility and lesser frequency of cell-cell contact in PKN1[T778A] MEFs compared to that in WT MEFs. Aggregate formation of PKN1[T778A] MEFs was compensated by shaking the cell suspension. When cultured in U-shaped ultra-low attachment well plates, initially larger-sized and loosely packed aggregates of WT MEFs underwent compaction resulting in a single round spheroid. On the other hand, image-based quantitative analysis of PKN1[T778A] MEFs revealed irregular compaction with decreased roundness, solidity, and sphericity within 24 h. Flow cytometry of PKN1[T778A] MEFs revealed decreased surface-expression of N-cadherin and integrins alpha 5 and alpha V. These results suggest that kinase activity of PKN1 controls cell aggregation and spheroid compaction in MEF suspension culture, possibly by regulating the cell migration and cell-surface expression of N-cadherin and integrins. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Spheroid,Fibroblast,Cadherin,Integrin,Protein kinase,Anoikis
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