
Assessment of CNT-doping and Hot-Wet Storage Aging Effects on Mode I, II and I/II Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of a UD Graphite/Epoxy Material System

Engineering fracture mechanics(2020)

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The interlaminar fracture toughness of two unidirectional Graphite/Epoxy composite material systems has been experimentally assessed. The systems studied were prepreg composite and prepreg composite treated with carbon nanotubes (CNT). The fracture toughness has been quantified in Mode I, Mode II and Mode I/II by performing DCB, ENF and MMB tests according to relevant ISO and ASTM standards. The effect of aging by storage under hot-wet conditions has been quantified by studying these systems at room temperature without aging and at 70 degrees C after aging treatment. Experimental data are reported in a 3- or 5-specimen batch mode, indicating non-linear behavior and sensitivity to imperfections in coupons alignment and load application. Moreover, intermediate variables required for the estimation of fracture toughness are presented in order to be used as a reference guide for principal fracture test data evaluation. In the case of the RT systems, measured data have been compared with analytical solutions and finite element model predictions yielding good correlation for DCB and ENF tests and considerable deviation in the case of MMB tests. Main findings include that CNT-doping leads to an increase of fracture toughness in all modes, especially in Mode II, and that aging leads to less variation in measurements for both systems, indicating a more uniform matrix response.
Composites,Fracture toughness testing,CNT,Aging
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