Can cooperation drive the success of suppliers in B2B crowdsourcing innovation projects? A large scale data perspective

Industrial Marketing Management(2020)

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Crowdsourcing innovation projects (CIPs), that enterprises outsource the non-core projects to outside individuals or organizations for innovation, are critical forms for business to business (B2B) innovative service collaboration. Based on value network theory, this paper investigates whether cooperation is a critical influencer of supplier performance and examines how suppliers in CIPs can achieve and maximize value capturing under the customer value dominant condition. Large-scale data is collected from >110,000 CIPs suppliers from 2010 to August 2018 on Kaggle, one of the most well-known crowdsourcing platforms. According to econometric calculation results: 1) Suppliers' predominant capabilities and resources contribute to their workforce and financial performance improvement. 2) Excessive competition intensity has a negative impact on suppliers' performance. 3) The cooperation between suppliers is extremely important for their performance. More detailed, the accumulation of cooperation experience, the increase of partners and the heterogeneity of members in the organization have positive impact on suppliers' workforce and financial performance. The results demonstrate that for suppliers in the CIPs platform, cooperative is more optimal than competitive. The cooperation is more significant when the needs of customers are gaining more and more attention. Therefore, suppliers should explore a more flexible way of cooperation to achieve value capture. Subsequently the value balance between demanders and suppliers can be achieved.
Crowdsourcing innovation projects,Customer value orientation,Value network,Cooperation
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