
P206 Attitudes towards treating latent tuberculosis in healthcare workers

C Wilson,P Mitchelmore, H Dunning, T Burden


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Background The risk of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (LTBI) is higher among health care workers (HCW) than the general population. There is a lack of evidence about LTBI in HCW and only one study from Australia was found to examine HCW’s attitudes towards taking treatment.1 Guidelines in the UK have increased the upper age limit for testing and treating LTBI. HCW’s attitudes could influence the advice given to this expanding population in whom treatment is now recommended. Methods A 10 part online questionnaire was sent to 149 respiratory consultants, registrars and specialist nurses working across the Peninsula and Severn deaneries. Questions identified the HCW’s exposure risk, BCG status and history of LTBI testing. Attitudes towards testing for and treating LTBI in these individuals were explored. Results 51 responses were collected over the course of a week (25 consultants, 19 registrars and 7 specialist nurses). Of these, 98% had been exposed to TB in the past and all but one had received the BCG vaccination. 31 individuals reported having regular exposure to patients with TB through work. Of the 25 HCWs who had been tested for LTBI in the past, 5 had tested positive. 22% of people would not have treatment if they tested positive for LTBI and a further 23% were unsure. The majority (70%) would be happy to be tested for LTBI as part of a research study, and most (88%) would want to know the result if they were tested. Conclusion As demonstrated in this pilot study, almost all HCW working in respiratory departments in the South West of England have had exposure to TB. Approximately half have undergone testing for LTBI. 20% of HCW tested had results consistent with LTBI. The majority were willing to be tested for LTBI as part of a future research study. The lack of a clear consensus among HCW regarding treatment for LTBI may affect the advice we give to patients. Reference Pathak V, Harrington Z, Dobler CC. Attitudes towards preventive tuberculosis treatment among hospital staff. Peer J2016;4:e 1738.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
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