
Mucosal delivery of live Lactococcus lactis expressing functionally active JlpA antigen induces potent local immune response and prevent enteric colonization of Campylobacter jejuni in chickens.


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Successful colonization of the mucosal epithelial cells is the key early step for Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) pathogenesis in humans. A set of Surface Exposed Colonization Proteins (SECPs) are known to take leading role in bacterial adhesion and subsequent host pathogenesis. Among the major SECPs, the constitutively expressed C. jejuni surface lipoprotein Jejuni lipoprotein A (JlpA), interacts with intestinal heat shock protein 90α (Hsp90α) and contributes in disease progression by triggering pro-inflammatory responses via activation of NF-κB and p38 MAP kinase pathways. In addition to its ability to express on the surface, high sequence conservation of JlpA protein among different Campylobacter spp make it a suitable vaccine target against C. jejuni. Given that chickens are the primary source for C. jejuni infection in humans and persistent cecal colonization significantly contribute in pathogen transmission, we explicitly used chickens as a model to test the immune-protective efficacy of JlpA protein. Taking into account that gastro-intestinal tract is the major site for C. jejuni colonization, we chose to use mucosal (intragastric) route as mode for JlpA antigen delivery. To deliver JlpA via mucosal route, we engineered a food grade Lactic acid producing bacteria, Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis) to express functionally active JlpA protein in the surface. Further, we demonstrated its ability to substantially improve the antigen specific local immune responses in the intestine along with significant immune-protection against enteric colonization of C. jejuni in chickens.
Campylobacter jejuni,Lactococcus lactis,JlpA,Mucosal immune response,Enteric colonization
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