Mechanical Structure Design of a Robot Leg with a Parallel Rod Mechanism with Low Moment of Inertia

2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO)(2019)

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Robots capable of jumping need higher torque drive and more stable and reliable mechanical structure. We designed a medium-sized robot leg with excellent jumping ability, and adopted parallel rod structure in the mechanical structure, and established a simplified model to analyze the structure. The mathematical model is established by using the objective design method for simulation, and the optimal driving scheme is determined by the simulation results. Lightweight materials and lightweight design have been used to minimize weight. Moreover, a prototype of the parallel leg is developed, on which the loaded vertical jump experiments are achieved. The results of experiment validate the ability in loaded jumping of the robot leg, which could implement a vertical loaded jump in maximum jumping height of 82cm and achieve continuous and stable jumping.
parallel leg,loaded vertical jump experiments,loaded jumping,vertical loaded jump,maximum jumping height,continuous jumping,stable jumping,mechanical structure design,parallel rod mechanism,low moment,robots capable,need higher torque drive,reliable mechanical structure,medium-sized robot leg,excellent jumping ability,rod structure,mathematical model,objective design method,optimal driving scheme,lightweight materials,lightweight design,size 82.0 cm
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