Fake News Detection by means of Uncertainty Weighted Causal Graphs


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Society is experimenting changes in information consumption, as new information channels such as social networks let people share news that do not necessarily be trust worthy. Sometimes, these sources of information produce fake news deliberately with doubtful purposes and the consumers of that information share it to other users thinking that the information is accurate. This transmission of information represents an issue in our society, as can influence negatively the opinion of people about certain figures, groups or ideas. Hence, it is desirable to design a system that is able to detect and classify information as fake and categorize a source of information as trust worthy or not. Current systems experiment difficulties performing this task, as it is complicated to design an automatic procedure that can classify this information independent on the context. In this work, we propose a mechanism to detect fake news through a classifier based on weighted causal graphs. These graphs are specific hybrid models that are built through causal relations retrieved from texts and consider the uncertainty of causal relations. We take advantage of this representation to use the probability distributions of this graph and built a fake news classifier based on the entropy and KL divergence of learned and new information. We believe that the problem of fake news is accurately tackled by this model due to its hybrid nature between a symbolic and quantitative methodology. We describe the methodology of this classifier and add empirical evidence of the usefulness of our proposed approach in the form of synthetic experiments and a real experiment involving lung cancer.
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