ICDAR 2019 CROHME + TFD - Competition on Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions and Typeset Formula Detection.


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We summarize the tasks, protocol, and outcome for the 6th Competition on Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions (CROHME), which includes a new formula detection in document images task (+ TFD). For CROHME + TFD 2019, participants chose between two tasks for recognizing handwritten formulas from 1) online stroke data, or 2) images generated from the handwritten strokes. To compare LATEX strings and the labeled directed trees over strokes (label graphs) used in previous CROHMEs, we convert LATEX and stroke-based label graphs to label graphs defined over symbols (symbol-level label graphs, or symLG). More than thirty (33) participants registered for the competition, with nineteen (19) teams submitting results. The strongest formula recognition results were produced by the USTC-iFLYTEK research team, for both stroke-based (81%) and image-based (77%) input. For the new typeset formula detection task, the Samsung Ru0026D Institute Ukraine (Team 2) obtained a very strong F-score (93%). System performance has improved since the last CROHME - still, the competition results suggest that recognition of handwritten formulae remains a difficult structural pattern recognition task.
mathematical expression recognition, handwriting recognition, formula detection, performance evaluation
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