Electronic System Level Design of Heterogeneous Systems: a Motor Speed Control System Case Study

2019 17th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS)(2019)

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Although SystemC and its AMS extensions are widely promoted for the design of heterogeneous systems, very few complete cases studies are actually available. In this work, we present a digital and an analog version of a motor speed controller, and detail various modeling approaches. In the digital version, the executable specification is refined to a TLM virtual prototype that runs SW code on a QEMU emulated RISC-V, to study the effect of HW/SW design decisions on the physical system dynamics. In the analog version, the controller equation is mapped to a SystemC AMS model and refined from the discrete-time to the continuous-time domain. By simulating this system, we illustrate the effectiveness of SystemC and SystemC AMS for heterogeneous design space exploration. The example is available at https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/tima/public/newcas2019.
SystemC,discrete-time domain,continuous-time domain,HW-SW design decisions,QEMU emulated RISC-V,heterogeneous design space exploration,SystemC AMS model,controller equation,physical system dynamics,SW code,TLM virtual prototype,AMS extensions,motor speed control system case study,heterogeneous systems,electronic system level design
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