Value of High-resolution MRI in Detecting Lymph Node Calcifications in Patients with Rectal Cancer

Academic Radiology(2020)

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Rationale and Objectives: To analyze CT and high-resolution MRI findings of nodal metastasis calcifications and determine the value of high-resolution MRI in detecting nodal calcifications in rectal cancer patients.Materials and Methods: In total, 229 rectal cancer patients were included. The CT was reviewed for the presence of nodal calcifications by two radiologists. High-resolution two-dimensional turbo spin-echo T2-weighted imaging (2D-TSE-T2WI) and fat-suppressed gadolinium-enhanced isotropic high-resolution three-dimensional gradient-echo T1-weighted imaging (3D-GRE-T1WI) were independently reviewed for nodal calcifications by the two radiologists at one-month and two-month intervals, respectively. The sensitivities, specificities and accuracies of the two high-resolution MRI in detecting nodal calcifications were calculated using CT results as a reference.Results: Regional calcified metastatic lymph nodes were found in 28 patients. The node-to-node evaluation revealed that 55 (98.2%) of the 56 calcified lymph nodes were metastatic. Fifty-one (92.7%) calcified metastatic lymph nodes displayed scattered fine punctate calcifications to different degrees on CT. In both types of high-resolution MRI, the calcifications demonstrated a patchy area of markedly reduced signal intensity in corresponding areas that were larger than those on CT. The sensitivity and accuracy of fat-suppressed gadolinium-enhanced isotropic high-resolution 3D-GRE-T1WI were significantly higher than those of high-resolution 2D-TSE-T2WI (76.8% vs 58.9%, P = 0.013; 98.3% vs 97.9%, P = 0.007; respectively).Conclusion: Metastatic nodal calcifications are characteristic imaging findings in rectal cancer. Calcifications are indicated by markedly reduced signal on high-resolution MRI, which will alert radiologists to scrutinize CT for nodal calcifications and aid in the accurate diagnosis of metastatic lymph nodes.
Physiological calcification,Lymph node,Rectal neoplasm,Computed tomography,Magnetic resonance imaging
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