
A Simple And Reproducible Method For Quantification Of Human Tear Lipids With Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry


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Purpose: The purpose was to select a simple and reproducible method for lipid measurements of human tears with ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS). Two sample preparation procedures were evaluated and compared: the Bligh and Dyer (BD) liquid-liquid extraction method with chloroform and methanol and protein precipitation with isopropanol (IPA).Methods: Reproducibility and recovery efficiencies of 20 non-endogenous internal lipid standards were tested in 10-mu l tear samples from healthy subjects. The lipid coverage and the simplicity of execution were also assessed. Lipid profiles of the tear extracts were acquired with UHPLC-MS, uhpland the lipids were identified using SimLipid software.Results: Both methods were robust producing good lipid coverage and reproducibility and high recovery efficiencies. The two protocols identified a 69-feature tear lipidome that covered 11 lipid classes from six different lipid categories. The main differences in recovery were due to the intrinsic lipid selectivity of each solvent. Although both methods were similarly efficient in recovering O-acyl-omega-hydroxy fatty acid (OAHFAs) and non-polar lipids, polar lipids were more efficiently recovered with IPA precipitation, which, in turn, exhibited higher reproducibility. In addition, IPA precipitation is automatable and simpler than the BD approach.Conclusions: IPA precipitation is an excellent procedure for extracting lipids from small tear volumes for quantitative large-scale, untargeted lipid profiling, which may be useful for identifying lipid biomarkers in tears from patients with different ocular surface pathologies, allowing personalized therapies to be designed.
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