
Project for an Open Source GIS Tool for Visualization of Flood Risk Analysis after Mining Dam Failures

Nina Dobrinkova,Alexander Arakelyan, Aghavni Harutyunyan, Sean Reynolds

Lecture notes in computer science(2020)

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Under DG ECHO funded project with acronym: ALTER there has been initiated an effort to support the Armenian Ministry of Emergency Situations in establishment of public-private partnerships to understand and address flood risks that may occur after mining dam failures. The project focus on three pilot areas where dams and other activities present risks to local communities: Akhtala and Teghut areas of Lori Marz along the Shamlugh river; the Vorotan Cascade and its associated dams in the Syunik region; and the Voghji river basin of Syunik region. In our article data collection, analysis and the results of dam break modelling for the Geghi reservoir and Geghanoush tailing dam located in Voghji river basin are presented. All collected data from hydro-meteorological sources, elevation, geologic, geomorphological and land use data have been processed in a way that Flood Hazard Index (FHI) Map of the studied area has been developed. This information is combined in GIS (Geographic Information System) layers. Those layers are being uploaded in specifically designed open source GIS tool in order to assist the end users on the field or in the operational room to rapidly assess the risks associated with flood occurred in a result of dam break and to better plan and visualize their activities.
Dam break,GIS,Data collection and analysis,Open source software,Flood risk maps
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