
[Hetero-digital toe flap according to the « spare-part » concept taken from a duplicated toe for the treatment of a cutaneous flessum of an associated clinodactyly].

Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique(2020)

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Introduction. - The correction of cutaneous deficiency encountered in clinodactyly is an important aspect of its treatment. The use of the skin lining of an adjacent duplicated toe as a "spare-part" flap may be of interest in providing good quality tissue. Clinical case. - We report the case of a child with complete duplication of the 5th toe associated with clinodactyly. The use of a heterodactyl flap taken from the amputated toe allows the release of a plantar cutaneous flange of the preserved toe. Discussion. - The concept of "spare-part" flap is mainly used in hand surgery in traumatic lesions of the fingers. Its application in the treatment of clinodactyly on the occasion of the regularization of a polydactyly is also interesting because some fingers or toes are intended to be amputated to render a classical anatomy of five-toed foot. It is necessary for the realization of this type of flap on malformative toes to verify the existence of a distinct viable pedicle of the amputated toe, which can be done only intraoperatively. Conclusion. - The surgery for congenital malformations of the toes requires perfect management of the skin capital. The use of a "spare-part" toe flap taken from the toe to be amputated is a viable solution for the treatment of a cutaneous flessum encountered in a clinodactyly of the adjacent finger. (C) 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Doigt banque,Polydactylie,Duplication,Clinodactylie,Lambeau hétéro-digital
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