Robust Iris Presentation Attack Detection Fusing 2D and 3D Information


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AbstractDiversity and unpredictability of artifacts potentially presented to an iris sensor calls for presentation attack detection methods that are agnostic to specificity of presentation attack instruments. This article proposes a method that combines two-dimensional and three-dimensional properties of the observed iris to address the problem of spoof detection in case when some properties of artifacts are unknown. The 2D (textural) iris features are extracted by a state-of-the-art method employing Binary Statistical Image Features (BSIF) and an ensemble of classifiers is used to deliver 2D modality-related decision. The 3D (shape) iris features are reconstructed by a photometric stereo method from only two images captured under near-infrared illumination placed at two different angles, as in many current commercial iris recognition sensors. The map of normal vectors is used to assess the convexity of the observed iris surface. The combination of these two approaches has been applied to detect whether a subject is wearing a textured contact lens to disguise their identity. Extensive experiments with NDCLD’15 dataset, and a newly collected NDIris3D dataset show that the proposed method is highly robust under various open-set testing scenarios, and that it outperforms all available open-source iris PAD methods tested in identical scenarios. The source code and the newly prepared benchmark are made available along with this article.
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Lenses, Iris, Iris recognition, Three-dimensional displays, Two dimensional displays, Feature extraction, Lighting, Iris recognition, presentation attack detection, texture features, shape features, information fusion
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