
The Effectiveness of Snail (Achatina Fulica) Slime Cream toward Inhibiting the Formation of Sunburn Cells on Mice (Mus Musculus) Balb/C Skin (Experimental Study with Induced UVB Radiation)

Mulyani Dwi Setianingrum,Ismiralda Oke Putranti,Hidayat Sulistyo

International journal of medical science and clinical research studies(2023)

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Background ─ Sunburn is a radiation burn of the skin by exposure to UV light. UVB is the most dangerous UV light for humans and can cause skin cancer risk. UVB rays can damage DNA so that it can cause a response in the form of apoptosis of keratinocyte cells or also called sunburn cells. Objective ─ Determined the effectiveness of snail (Achatina fulica) slime cream on inhibited the formation of sunburn cells on the skin of BALB/c mice (Mus musculus) induced by UVB radiation. Metodhs ─ Experimental research using randomized post-test only control group design with 35 male BALB/c (Mus musculus) mice divided into 7 groups. There was a group without treatment, a negative control group, a control group with Parasol Face Sunscreen Cream, and 4 treatment groups with topical application of snail slime cream with varying doses. All groups except the untreated group were irradiated with UVB 200 mJ/cm2 for 1x irradiation. The mice’s back skin was taken 24 hours later to make histology slide and sunburn cell counting. Data were analyzed using One Way ANOVA comparative test, Post-hoc LSD test, and Spearman's rho correlative test with each significance value p<0.05. Results ─ There are a significant difference in the mean number of sunburn cells in One Way ANOVA test p=0.00 (p<0.05) between all groups. LSD post-hoc test shows the group with the most significant mean difference (16.20) was between the negative control group and treatment group 4 (X4) with p=0.00 (p<0.05). There is a relationship between the dose of snail slime cream and the percentage of sunburn cells in the Spearman's rho test with p=0.00 (p<0.05) and the strength of the relationship between the dose of snail slime cream and the percentage of sunburn cells is very strong indicated by the Pearson Correlation (r)= -0.900. Conclusion ─ Snail slime cream effectively inhibits the formation of sunburn cells with the most effective dose in this study is the 10% dose.
sunburn cells,slime cream,induced uvb radiation,skin,snail
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