
Soy Productivity in Response to Application Biofertilizer Enerplant®.

L. H. S Santana, D. P. Thome,A. G. Carneiro Júnior,V. L. Silva, E. P. S. Silva, M. B Gomes

Scientific Electronic Archives(2019)

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The soya is a dicotyledon plant, and the cultivated specie is the Glycine max, of Asian origin especially from China. The Brazil is the second biggest worldwide producer, with featured the Mato Grosso state. The objective of this present study was evaluate the productivity in the soya culture in answer of Enerplant Biofertilizer application. The experiment was realized in a trading farming, in soil classified like Latossolo Vermelho, in conditions of system of direct planting of straw. The Treatments consisted on application in g ha-1 of Enerplant in the seed, V4, V7 and R1 respectively: T1 – 0+0+0+0; T2 – 20+20+20+20; T3 – 20+20+20+20; T4 – 20+20+0+0; T5 – 20+0+0+0; T6 – 40+0+0+0; T7 – 80+0+0+0; T8 – 0+20+20+20; T9 – 0+0+20+20; T10 – 0+0+0+20. The treatments had four repetitions, on parcels of 2,25 x 5 m (11,25 m²) with five planting lines disposed in a casualized blocks delimitation (CBD). The fertilization in dosage of 160 kg ha-1 of the 01-42-00 (N-P2O5 – K2O) formula and 160 kg ha-1 of KCl. Were evaluated the number of pods from one, two and three grains, total number of pods, total number of grains, weight of 100 grains, pods number per plant, grains number per pod and productivity in kg ha-1. In the Analysis of the results, show there was no significant difference of any variables studied, dispensing the product application
productivity, molybdenum, oligosaccharides, biofertilizer, soya
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