Assessment of mitigation measures contribution to CO 2 reduction in sustainable energy action plan


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The paper shows the process of the development of the sustainable energy action plan (SEAP) for the city of Zagreb and analysis of the interaction between measures, which are used for the reduction in energy consumption and CO 2 emissions. The energy savings and CO 2 reduction potential of measures are compared in a scenario and individual approach. Sectors of energy consumption listed in SEAP are buildings, transport and public lighting. The buildings sector is divided into public buildings, residential and commercial buildings. The transport sector is subdivided on public transport, public vehicles and private and commercial transport. Measures for CO 2 emission reduction are selected by a discussion with relevant stakeholders and most effective measures from the previous SEAP. Mutual interaction between measures, which influences the total result of energy consumption and CO 2 emissions reduction, is done through simulation in LEAP. In this way, it can be shown that measures have either synergetic, negative or neutral interaction between them. The analysis showed the negative interaction is prevailing and scenario approach resulted in 16.23% lower CO 2 reduction potential than the individual assessment of each measure. It is recommended to use a scenario approach in the development of SEAP for the assessment of measures CO 2 reduction potential. This will provide more efficient planning of measures for the reduction in CO 2 emissions on a local level and avoid overestimating of the CO 2 reduction potential when developing SEAPs. Graphic abstract
CO2 mitigation, Sustainable energy action plans, Local energy planning, The interaction of measures, Scenario approach
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